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Goldshish restyled!

Published: at 03:22 PM

I’ve been wanting to restyle this website for a while now - I had not updated the previous iteration in years, and I had grown scared of touching it. I mean, sometimes it stopped working randomly! Usually just restarting the server worked in bringing the website up again, but of course that is not a very good strategy.

So, I finally took the chance when I discovered that Astro.js has some good templates that I can use. Also:

The main caveat is that, at the moment, there is no way for users to directly upload notes, or even just add comments. It’s something I would like to fix soonish - but for now you can just drop me a mail if you want to upload something, or you notice that something is wrong.

Update 2024-05-25

Now comments are enabled on all notes, thanks to giscus! You will need a GitHub account to post here.