The course is divided in two parts: a review of statistical mechanics (mainly dedicated to engineers, or who did not follow the Statistical Mechanics course), and a core part regarding complex systems.
These notes cover 95% of the second part. For the first part, refer to the complete notes for the Statistical Mechanics course.
The only missing lectures in the second part are those done by prof. Suweis.
- Download (PDF)
- Brief summary of each lecture (Google Sheets). The color of each cell denotes its “review state”. Gray means “not included/reviewed”, yellow denotes a “quick draft” and green a lecture that has been reviewed at least once.
- Source (Overleaf)
- Some solved exercises (by Marco Ballarin)
- Ising model exercise (by Francesco Manzali) with source (Overleaf) (in the “IsingExo” folder).